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New Acquisitions of Slavonic Studies publications No. 3/2024

The Slavonic Library publishes lists of new acquisitions of specialized literature, from 1975 to 1992 a selection, and since 1993 in their totality.
Since 2005 the periodical has been published as an electronic quarterly.

The books are classified according to the Universal Decadic Classification (UDC), and within each class in alphabetic order according to authors and titles.

ISSN 1802-3797

New Acquisitions – Poetry, Prose, Drama (2023)

Archive - only czech version


UDC signs:

0 Generalities
001 General science and knowledge
003 Semiotics. Systems of writing and alphabets. Signs and symbols
008 Civilization. Culture
009 Social sciences - general
01 Bibliography. Catalogues. Book synopsis
02 Library science
030 General encyclopaedias
06 Organizations. Associations. Congresses. Exhibitions. Museums
070 Newspapers. Journals. Journalism
09 Manuscripts. Rare prints
1 Philosophy. Psychology
14 Philosofical systems and schools
159.9 Psychology
16 Logic. Theory of knowledge
17 Ethics
2 Religion. Theology. Churches
21 Religion and science
23/28 Christianity
29 Non-christian religions. Mythology
3 Social sciences
30 Theory and metodology of social sciences generally
31 Statistics. Demography. Sociology
32 Politics
33 Domestic Economy. Economic sciences
34 Law
35 Public administration. Warfare
36 Social work. Social care. Housing. Assurance
37 Education. Learning. Teaching
39 Ethnography. Ethnology. Folklore
396 Feminist movement. Feminist issues
5 Mathematics. Natural sciences
50 Mathematics and natural sciences in generasl
504 Environment
51 Mathematics
52 Astronomy. Physical astronomy. Cosmic research. Chronology
53 Physics
54 Chemistry. Mineralogy
55 Sciences about the Earth. Geology and related science. Meteorology. Hydrology
56 Paleontology
57 Life science
58 Botany
59 Zoology
6 Applied sciences. Medicine. Technology
61 Medicine
62 Technology
63 Agriculture. Forestry. Hunting
64 Domestic economy
641.5 Cookbooks
65 Business management. Organization of industry, business and delivery
655 Printing industry
655.1 Book printing
656 Transport
681.3 Computers
687 Clothing
7 Art. Entertainment. Leisure. Sport
7.01 General theories of art. Aesthetics of art
7.091/.092 Artistic performance and implementation of work of art
71 Space planing and organizing. Urbanism
72/76 Fine arts - general
72 Architecture
73 Sculpture. Numismatics. Medals and badges
74 Drawing
75 Painting
76 Graphics
77 Photography
78 Music
79 Leisure. Games. Sport
791 Film art. Films
792 Theatre. Ballet
796/799 Sport. Physical training
8 Linguistics. Philology. Literature
80 Linguistics. Philology
82/89 Literature. Literary science
9 Geography. History
902 Archaeology
903 Prehistory
904 Cultural sights of historic era
908 National History amd Geography. On Czechoslovakia
91 Geography
93/99 History
930 Historical sciences. Auxiliary (Interdisciplinary) Historical Sciences

Lukáš Babka

Oct 07, 2024
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